Sunday, September 21, 2008


So Paulson, the U.S. Treasury Secretary, wants congress to rush through passing a bailout for the Wall Street financiers, and doesn't want them to take time to look after the taxpayers who will be holding the bag. It's too urgent, he says, we need to save the greedy capitalists, and that will rescue the taxpaying consumers by freeing up money so they can go deeper into debt.

Isn't this how we got into this mess?

All we've done for the last twenty years is watch the Wall Street financiers get increasingly enormous salaries while the rest of us were tightening our belts. Letting them fail after taking ridiculous risks sounds to me like the best medicine. And cutting off consumer credit for a while might also be a good thing. In a crisis, we all need to stop and think, not keep throwing good money after bad.

If the Democrats allow the Republicans, yet again, to walk all over them without doing something for taxpayers; it's going to be real difficult for me to vote for anybody in November.

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